About Us
Nevada Community Alliance, originally Fallon Lights of Christmas, is a non-profit organization that since 2010 has raised money to support our local community. In the beginning, Fallon Lights of Christmas supported Toys for Tots by assisting in the purchase of toys for over 900 children annually, which were distributed in three counties (Pershing, Lyon, and Churchill). We also collected non‐perishable food items for several local food pantries. In 2017, we started raising money for Fallon's senior community as well.
We did all this by hosting the Fallon Lights of Christmas Family Festival every December. The Family Festival was filled with crafters and vendors, just in time for the holidays. We also had food and entertainment. We purchased 50 live potted Christmas trees which were decorated by people and businesses within our community. These trees were displayed all day at the Family Festival. Toward the end of festival, those decorated trees were auctioned off to the highest bidder, along with many wonderful items donated by local businesses. Sadly, in recent years, we have been priced out of our venue/location so we have had to downsize this event temporarily, until we can build our own event building.
Eventually, we added more events…Since we were no longer doing just a Christmas event, we changed our name to Fallon Community Events.
In 2019, what started out as a small craft fair, morphed into a much larger event to celebrate Armed Forces Day. The Fallon Armed Forces Day Celebration (3rd Saturday in May) is full of crafters, vendors, food, and a Kid Zone. Official opening ceremonies include the color guard, the singing of the national anthem, and a variety of guest speakers. We host a free BBQ lunch with all the fixins and sides, for any active duty or retired US military personnel, and for first responders. In conjunction with Armed Forces Day, there is a Poker Chip Run. Active and retired military personnel are also entered into a free raffle for an American Flag that was flown over the nation’s Capital Building, in honor of this event.
More recently, we decided that we were still not doing enough for the community. For over two years, we have been brainstorming and planning...we are excited to finally be moving forward with our new vision. Most of us are blessed to have a roof over our heads, but in this economy, there are many who do not have that luxury. As inflation continues to rise, we expect the lack of affordable housing situation to get even worse. Our vision is to build a Cozy Home Community to provide veterans, seniors, and people who are less fortunate, a safer, cleaner place to live. Our goal is to implement programs, with the help of other community organizations, to provide people with the tools and opportunities to become self-reliant. By doing this, we hope to bring the community together to provide a place where everyone can live with dignity and have a stable place to call home.
As we proceed with the Cozy Home Community, we will be seeking, not just monetary and physical items (building materials, furniture, linens, toiletries, etc), but volunteers, too. We have already started reaching out to local churches and organizations who are on board. We have organizations willing to help with screening and applications, with transportation (driving people from the community homes to shopping or jobs, etc). We have an organization that is interested in helping us with solar power and another to help with gardening and composting. We hope that this project is something that will bring our communities together, forming an alliance. Thus, Fallon Community Events is now Nevada Community Alliance! It is truly an exciting time for us and, big or small, we hope we can count on your support!

The vision of Nevada Community Alliance is to build a Cozy Housing Community to provide people with a place to live that is affordable. Our houses will be 650-1200 sqft--large enough to live comfortably yet small enough to maintain. Our floor plans will be carefully measured so that anyone with a walker or wheelchair will still have room to maneuver in all areas of the home. As residents age, this is such an important consideration!
We plan on using "green" technologies such as solar power as much as possible and using recycled water for landscaping in common areas. Our plan is to create a diverse and peaceful environment that is cost-effective and one that will leave a low carbon footprint.
As we proceed with the Cozy Places Community, we will be seeking, not just monetary and tangible items (building materials, furniture, linens, toiletries, etc), but volunteers, too. We have already reached out to local churches who are on board. We have organizations willing to help with screening and applications, and with transportation (driving people from the community homes to shopping or jobs, etc). We have an organization that is interested in helping us with solar power and another to help with gardening and composting. If you are interested in contributing to this exciting venture, please reach out! It is truly an exciting time for us and big or small, we hope we can count on your support!